Form of complaints and appeals - Bank BTB
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Complaints and suggestions


Specific Unit of Consumer Appeals Handling (Unit) holds the activity in regard to reviews of and responses to applications of customer appeals of the Bank. The aim of theUnit is to establish efficient protection mechanisms of the rights of the customers, to solve all disputes operatively and effectively, thus to protect legal disputes which may arise between bank and the Customers in future, to strengthen public belief to bank and to decrease the business risks.


  • TheUnit shall represent the bank before state authorities, institutions of local government, individuals and legal entities in regard to matters assigned for its activity sphere and under its competence.
  • application and create all necessary facilities in order to exercise such rights as well as review and response to such appeals within the term and manner specified in this Regulation.
  • Customers must be provided with information of their rights according to appeals.


  • Customer appelas may be submitted in writing or verbally.
  • An appeal means any complaint, application or suggestion.
  • A verbal appeal means a direct approach or contact via phone.
  • A written appeal means a documentary appeal submitted directly to the Unit, post address, email, facsimile or internet page of the Bank.
  • For the appeals to be handled, individuals shall submit information of their identification card, legal entities shall submit a document with signature and seal, and contact requisites of an authorized person apart from a short description of application. The person presenting personal statement of the apellant shall submit her identification card. Absence of any of such information may be subject dismissal of the appeal submitted and non-response to it.
  • In order to keep customers informed, they shall be provided with information of their duties and rights and documents prepared about the appeals handling procedure by Bank.
  • According to the type of the appeals, verbal negotiations shall be carried out, meetings shall be arranged with customers, advices and explanations shall be given to them.
  • Customer appeals shall be responded not later than 15 working days.
  • If appeals require additional investigation, their responses may be prolonged to 30 business days. In this case, reasons for the delay of the investigation, next steps and the deadline for the response shall be explained clearly. If submission of additional documents is required within the investigation, customers shall be informed about the deadline for delivery of documents.
  • Responses to appeals shall be signed by the Management Board, with the signature authority.
  • If customers are not satisfied with the response by the Unit, they may re-apply to theBank or the Central Bank (Phone: 994124931122, Fax: 994124935541, E-mail: [email protected]) or apply to court.
  • If compensation is requested for indemnification of the damages caused to the customer by the Bank, the customers shall be notified in writing about the compensation amount, term, calculation methodology and steps to be taken by the customer for acceptance or refusal from compensation in a clear and plain form. The period not less than 15 working days shall be appointed for the customer to make a decision in regard to acceptance or refusal from compensation suggested and the customer shall be notified about it.
  • If response to applications or compensation required by the Customers are rejected by bank or In case the Bank declines to respond the appeals or provide any or lower than requested compensation, the customers shall be informed about its reasons as well as consumer rights, further measures ina clear written form.
  • All received appeals shall be registered. This information shall be disclosed to costumers accordingly on the basis of their own request.

Name of department: “Special Department for Review of Applications”
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 27, Y. Safarov str, AZ1025, Baku city
Web sayt:
Aygun Hasanzadeh