Western Union - Bank BTB
Internet Banking Credit Calculator

Western Union


Money Transfers

Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Amount of transfer Commission (USD)
0.01 - 100.00 1.00
100.01 - 3, 000.00 0.9% of amount
3, 000.00 and more  30


Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 and more 0.75% of amount


Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 2,000.00 1% of amount
2,000.01 and more 20


Moldova, Turkmenistan
Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 200.00 3
200.01 - 2,000.00 2% of amount
2000.01 - 3,000.00 1.5% of amount
3,000.01 and more 1.2% of amount


United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia
Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 100.00 3
100.01 - 1,000.00 1.5% of amount
1000.01 and more 1% of amount


Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 200.00 5
200.01 - 2,000.00 3% of amount
2,000.01 - 3,000.00 2% of amount
3,000.01 and more 1.5% of amount


Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 200.00 3
200.01 - 3,000.00 1.5% of amount
3,000.01 and more 50


Far foreign countries**
Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 50 13
50.01 - 100.00 15
100.01 - 200.00 22
200.01 - 300.00 29
300.01 - 400.00 34
400.01 - 500.00 40
500.01 - 1,000.00 45
1,000.01 and more  50


Amount of transfer Commission (USD)
0.01 - 100.00 3
100.01 - 400 8
400.01 - 600 12
600.01 and more 1.5% of amount

* European countries this tariff implemented: Albania, Andora, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luksemburg, Macedonia, Malta, Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia/

**Far foreign countries tariffs concern all countries except Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Turkey and China, European countries, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

"12 hours tariff"

Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 200.00 2
200.01 - 2,000.00 1.5% of amount
2,000.01 - 3,000.00 1% of amount


Amount of transfer  Commission (USD)
0.01 - 200.00 3
200.01 - 2,000.00 2% of amount
2,000.01 - 3,000.00 1.5% of amount

** "12 hours tariff" will be implemented at least 12 hours later than the order. Max amount for this tariff is 3000 USD and the tariff is only eligible for Ukraine and Moldova from Azerbaijan. 

TARIFF table for sending money transfers to the customer's bank account via "Western Union"
Deposit to Account
to countries where funds can be paid through "In-Account" transfers***
Amount of transfer Commission
0,01 and more 15

Financial services accessible to more than 138 countries (expanded everyday).The ability to send to a specific country must be specified in the software of the Western Union system.

Approved from 04 December,2023.