Small and Medium Enterprises Loans - Bank BTB
Internet Banking Credit Calculator
Criterias Terms
Age limit 20 – 70 (at the end of the loan term)
Amount of loan Up to 1 000 000 AZN equ.
Period  36 months
Annual interest rate (nominal) Min. 17% AZN (7% USD)
Commissions Min. 1%
Real annual interest rate (IRR)

AZN: Min. 16,36%


Payment method Annuity
Required documents Identification card
Guarantee Real Estate

Extra advantages:

  • Mortgage insurance is not essential
  • Evaluation of the mortgage by the external company is not essential
  • As half of the approved loan amount secured by the same mortgage it is possible to get credit line within below terms:


“SME Credit line” terms
Type of card VISA Classic, VISA Gold or VISA Platinum
Currency AZN / USD
Amount of loan Up to 1 000 000 AZN equ
Period 12, 24 o 36 months
“Grace period” 30 days “Grace period” is possible
Commissions Min. 1 %
Payment method 1. In the active period of the card: interests must be fully paid each month;
2. In the deactive period of the card: Annuity

Kredit kalkulyatoru



  • In order to analyze exactly, sometimes additional documents may be required
